all postcodes in SY12 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY12 0EG 45 13 52.906827 -2.895327
SY12 0EH 1 1 52.906864 -2.895597
SY12 0EJ 21 3 52.906232 -2.894452
SY12 0EL 21 3 52.906401 -2.894679
SY12 0EN 6 0 52.907328 -2.895709
SY12 0EP 25 9 52.907215 -2.893195
SY12 0EQ 1 1 52.907245 -2.893969
SY12 0ES 3 3 52.907341 -2.893123
SY12 0ET 27 2 52.906638 -2.892261
SY12 0EU 25 2 52.907845 -2.891929
SY12 0EW 17 13 52.902473 -2.909125
SY12 0EX 25 1 52.907942 -2.89214
SY12 0EY 9 0 52.907206 -2.89205
SY12 0EZ 2 0 52.907094 -2.890902
SY12 0HA 25 0 52.906941 -2.891376
SY12 0HB 26 23 52.906931 -2.88913
SY12 0HD 26 2 52.908202 -2.8899
SY12 0HE 6 0 52.859799 -2.838394
SY12 0HF 1 1 52.90797 -2.890772
SY12 0HG 12 0 52.908707 -2.891678