all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 6RE 3 1 50.209384 -5.056713
TR3 6RF 9 8 50.216676 -5.096626
TR3 6RG 30 0 50.207346 -5.053836
TR3 6RH 31 0 50.206449 -5.052764
TR3 6RJ 17 0 50.206492 -5.055219
TR3 6RL 8 0 50.206812 -5.054679
TR3 6RN 7 0 50.206105 -5.053863
TR3 6RP 4 0 50.209428 -5.062275
TR3 6RQ 14 0 50.205766 -5.052047
TR3 6RR 10 0 50.209988 -5.065592
TR3 6RS 28 0 50.208889 -5.06496
TR3 6RT 36 0 50.205065 -5.063958
TR3 6RU 13 0 50.214341 -5.066291
TR3 6RW 4 0 50.206245 -5.056759
TR3 6RX 6 0 50.20752 -5.055832
TR3 6SA 14 0 50.205318 -5.050267
TR3 6SB 5 0 50.204809 -5.052519
TR3 6SD 26 0 50.207376 -5.048996
TR3 6SE 19 0 50.208349 -5.04647
TR3 6SF 5 0 50.203999 -5.053238