all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 6NA 8 0 50.207696 -5.068921
TR3 6NS 25 0 50.209501 -5.069351
TR3 6NB 2 0 50.206358 -5.070144
TR3 6ND 5 1 50.210319 -5.088728
TR3 6NE 26 0 50.210563 -5.091043
TR3 6NF 10 0 50.211494 -5.0838
TR3 6NG 9 0 50.208838 -5.080166
TR3 6NH 15 0 50.207332 -5.071112
TR3 6NJ 5 0 50.206856 -5.070058
TR3 6NL 6 0 50.206471 -5.070356
TR3 6NN 17 0 50.20747 -5.068239
TR3 6NP 14 0 50.210653 -5.069713
TR3 6NQ 18 0 50.208431 -5.073776
TR3 6NZ 8 0 50.20828 -5.070304
TR3 6NR 2 0 50.207763 -5.06837
TR3 6NT 35 0 50.208733 -5.072239
TR3 6NU 12 0 50.209761 -5.074871
TR3 6NW 16 0 50.210637 -5.067259
TR3 6NX 3 0 50.21242 -5.075
TR3 6NY 2 1 50.210728 -5.089195