all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 6JW 10 0 50.217736 -5.07673
TR3 6JX 3 0 50.228906 -5.073088
TR3 6JY 6 0 50.223898 -5.082833
TR3 6JZ 1 1 50.226335 -5.083201
TR3 6LA 2 0 50.228183 -5.091488
TR3 6LE 50 1 50.220126 -5.090722
TR3 6LF 23 1 50.218239 -5.094007
TR3 6LG 15 5 50.2194 -5.102088
TR3 6LN 32 5 50.228698 -5.089347
TR3 6LQ 5 1 50.225301 -5.100037
TR3 6LH 4 0 50.220356 -5.08883
TR3 6LJ 6 0 50.222821 -5.098272
TR3 6LP 22 0 50.225639 -5.08805
TR3 6LR 5 0 50.2252 -5.086647
TR3 6LS 5 0 50.225227 -5.088332
TR3 6LU 26 0 50.224876 -5.08765
TR3 6LW 1 0 50.22541 -5.085834
TR3 6LX 7 0 50.225278 -5.089793
TR3 6LY 7 0 50.224276 -5.086181
TR3 6LZ 19 0 50.224134 -5.085443