all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 6GG 2 0 50.230931 -5.079787
TR3 6HH 27 1 50.221997 -5.085964
TR3 6GH 1 1 50.222076 -5.085007
TR3 6GL 1 0 50.217848 -5.085696
TR3 6GN 2 0 50.222236 -5.081007
TR3 6GP 6 0 50.26289 -5.111342
TR3 6GR 2 1 50.224548 -5.096266
TR3 6GU 2 0 50.263569 -5.118198
TR3 6HA 3 1 50.232211 -5.070552
TR3 6HB 6 0 50.230379 -5.069102
TR3 6HD 47 0 50.231146 -5.06659
TR3 6HE 16 0 50.230819 -5.065386
TR3 6HF 66 0 50.231736 -5.068796
TR3 6HJ 8 0 50.220542 -5.087903
TR3 6HN 20 0 50.22199 -5.089272
TR3 6HP 24 0 50.221526 -5.092201
TR3 6HQ 4 0 50.222452 -5.087465
TR3 6HR 21 0 50.220879 -5.092481
TR3 6HS 7 0 50.221214 -5.091409
TR3 6HT 9 0 50.2214 -5.090833