all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 6HU 36 0 50.222675 -5.090593
TR3 6HW 15 3 50.221904 -5.089814
TR3 6HX 10 0 50.222666 -5.088222
TR3 6HY 15 1 50.223051 -5.088275
TR3 6JA 7 0 50.223499 -5.088683
TR3 6JB 9 0 50.223118 -5.086092
TR3 6JD 1 1 50.22345 -5.091905
TR3 6JE 13 0 50.224092 -5.088062
TR3 6JF 6 0 50.223284 -5.085276
TR3 6JG 3 1 50.222767 -5.084415
TR3 6JH 31 1 50.221785 -5.078379
TR3 6JS 6 0 50.222658 -5.082094
TR3 6JJ 1 1 50.224836 -5.079697
TR3 6JL 20 0 50.22166 -5.084792
TR3 6JN 14 0 50.221256 -5.081659
TR3 6JP 45 0 50.224668 -5.083991
TR3 6JQ 8 0 50.222536 -5.083979
TR3 6JR 10 0 50.222864 -5.081435
TR3 6JT 7 0 50.225271 -5.077509
TR3 6JU 1 0 50.22349 -5.087687