all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 6DG 12 0 50.261637 -5.114086
TR3 6DH 77 2 50.261342 -5.109683
TR3 6DJ 28 0 50.261865 -5.113338
TR3 6DL 10 0 50.261404 -5.112382
TR3 6DN 12 0 50.262145 -5.11229
TR3 6DP 69 12 50.261557 -5.115395
TR3 6DQ 24 0 50.259778 -5.113651
TR3 6DR 16 0 50.261481 -5.111545
TR3 6DS 19 0 50.261644 -5.110138
TR3 6DT 27 0 50.262053 -5.109323
TR3 6DU 14 0 50.262588 -5.110508
TR3 6DW 8 0 50.262367 -5.116079
TR3 6DX 21 0 50.262303 -5.111093
TR3 6DY 6 2 50.262711 -5.114642
TR3 6DZ 43 0 50.262981 -5.108247
TR3 6EA 15 0 50.252643 -5.082361
TR3 6EB 14 1 50.24186 -5.100489
TR3 6ED 21 5 50.241357 -5.115578
TR3 6EE 6 2 50.243418 -5.128581
TR3 6EF 1 0 50.243161 -5.130761