all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 6PA 23 0 50.212685 -5.093451
TR3 6PB 4 0 50.212138 -5.094734
TR3 6PD 25 0 50.214001 -5.094378
TR3 6PE 4 0 50.215567 -5.090638
TR3 6PF 10 0 50.213758 -5.097432
TR3 6PG 4 0 50.213468 -5.09676
TR3 6PH 5 0 50.210814 -5.095152
TR3 6PJ 4 1 50.210074 -5.094171
TR3 6PL 2 0 50.211839 -5.095463
TR3 6PN 16 0 50.210436 -5.093109
TR3 6PP 6 0 50.211649 -5.094534
TR3 6PQ 19 7 50.211882 -5.095858
TR3 6PR 9 0 50.210087 -5.08968
TR3 6PS 5 0 50.210105 -5.090677
TR3 6PT 5 0 50.211374 -5.092371
TR3 6PU 3 0 50.21193 -5.091762
TR3 6PW 28 1 50.209751 -5.091159
TR3 6PX 26 0 50.211255 -5.090737
TR3 6PY 12 0 50.211023 -5.088662
TR3 6PZ 2 0 50.212326 -5.089677