all postcodes in DL2 / DARLINGTON

find any address or company within the DL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL2 2PW 2 0 54.451283 -1.574237
DL2 2PX 9 0 54.466875 -1.544999
DL2 2PY 7 0 54.467274 -1.543483
DL2 2PZ 3 0 54.467049 -1.545722
DL2 2QA 1 0 54.50842 -1.584553
DL2 2QB 5 0 54.504928 -1.593484
DL2 2QD 4 0 54.505324 -1.593758
DL2 2QE 1 0 54.503725 -1.598771
DL2 2QG 7 0 54.504885 -1.594195
DL2 2QH 10 0 54.503084 -1.595556
DL2 2QJ 13 0 54.503866 -1.593047
DL2 2QL 10 0 54.502904 -1.592825
DL2 2QN 3 0 54.502466 -1.593524
DL2 2QP 2 0 54.500761 -1.593812
DL2 2QQ 14 1 54.504034 -1.594836
DL2 2QZ 31 1 54.512468 -1.614888
DL2 2QR 8 0 54.494388 -1.60753
DL2 2QS 6 1 54.483969 -1.600538
DL2 2QT 1 0 54.483052 -1.615062
DL2 2QU 3 0 54.490348 -1.619696