all postcodes in DL2 / DARLINGTON

find any address or company within the DL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL2 2UJ 5 0 54.607875 -1.681294
DL2 2UL 3 0 54.598424 -1.686011
DL2 2UN 2 0 54.606872 -1.700042
DL2 2UP 30 0 54.597162 -1.694951
DL2 2UQ 1 0 54.598526 -1.666863
DL2 2UR 1 0 54.59787 -1.720469
DL2 2UT 5 1 54.586466 -1.712432
DL2 2UU 5 0 54.594903 -1.669648
DL2 2UW 6 0 54.597399 -1.69286
DL2 2UX 7 0 54.600001 -1.641769
DL2 2WX 1 0 54.522095 -1.550751
DL2 2WZ 1 0 54.522095 -1.550751
DL2 2XG 2 0 54.60949 -1.647539
DL2 2XH 10 0 54.590586 -1.65547
DL2 2XJ 3 0 54.591422 -1.64343
DL2 2XL 7 0 54.587652 -1.635741
DL2 2XN 2 0 54.572156 -1.611325
DL2 2XQ 3 0 54.602253 -1.650208
DL2 2XU 2 1 54.553512 -1.590413
DL2 2XW 10 0 54.583066 -1.600598