all postcodes in DL2 / DARLINGTON

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL2 2FW 16 0 54.544127 -1.590343
DL2 2GA 25 0 54.543271 -1.581804
DL2 2GB 22 0 54.543341 -1.581046
DL2 2GD 6 0 54.543082 -1.581512
DL2 2GE 47 0 54.54276 -1.582149
DL2 2GF 2 2 54.546524 -1.586433
DL2 2GG 3 54.546943 -1.588537
DL2 2GH 0 54.542129 -1.58163
DL2 2GJ 0 54.542296 -1.580454
DL2 2TS 1 54.543494 -1.591147
DL2 2SU 8 0 54.482798 -1.55663
DL2 2GL 45 6 54.54726 -1.586555
DL2 2GN 40 0 54.542604 -1.583743
DL2 2JS 34 0 54.523914 -1.617243
DL2 2LX 12 0 54.534446 -1.655934
DL2 2TX 0 54.584849 -1.632618
DL2 2GQ 12 0 54.543481 -1.582575
DL2 2GS 33 0 54.544796 -1.583427
DL2 2GT 29 0 54.544099 -1.58212
DL2 2BQ 24 0 54.478967 -1.54147