all postcodes in DL2 / DARLINGTON

find any address or company within the DL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL2 2NQ 7 0 54.532582 -1.650798
DL2 2NR 3 0 54.47023 -1.548079
DL2 2NS 2 0 54.464403 -1.553783
DL2 2NT 31 1 54.466415 -1.542289
DL2 2NU 4 0 54.46733 -1.544068
DL2 2NX 17 0 54.465571 -1.542406
DL2 2PA 8 0 54.466495 -1.544247
DL2 2PB 5 0 54.45633 -1.523059
DL2 2PD 3 0 54.460719 -1.528669
DL2 2PE 3 0 54.473973 -1.505694
DL2 2PF 12 1 54.473591 -1.506609
DL2 2PG 3 0 54.48238 -1.500083
DL2 2PH 1 0 54.457933 -1.501661
DL2 2PJ 2 0 54.464965 -1.545569
DL2 2PL 9 2 54.457502 -1.550039
DL2 2PN 6 0 54.46054 -1.562269
DL2 2PP 13 7 54.446346 -1.544409
DL2 2PT 6 2 54.44196 -1.551319
DL2 2PQ 8 1 54.470009 -1.490251
DL2 2PS 5 0 54.452146 -1.535131