all postcodes in DL2 / DARLINGTON

find any address or company within the DL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL2 2LF 34 0 54.526472 -1.627617
DL2 2LG 1 1 54.530957 -1.633897
DL2 2LH 5 0 54.532218 -1.649224
DL2 2LJ 45 1 54.532802 -1.652526
DL2 2LL 1 1 54.534712 -1.654803
DL2 2LN 10 0 54.534265 -1.655363
DL2 2LQ 3 0 54.531622 -1.642792
DL2 2LR 11 1 54.532886 -1.653592
DL2 2LT 4 0 54.549304 -1.650583
DL2 2LU 7 0 54.562021 -1.64766
DL2 2LW 1 0 54.534556 -1.656644
DL2 2LY 21 2 54.564975 -1.640768
DL2 2LZ 3 0 54.55896 -1.622188
DL2 2NA 4 0 54.553515 -1.631082
DL2 2NB 5 0 54.547024 -1.636242
DL2 2ND 1 0 54.542016 -1.626672
DL2 2NE 2 0 54.536519 -1.629823
DL2 2NF 5 0 54.533718 -1.608466
DL2 2NG 36 0 54.519629 -1.617669
DL2 2NP 1 0 54.474914 -1.553413