all postcodes in DL2 / DARLINGTON

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL2 2DS 1 1 54.483444 -1.544074
DL2 2DU 5 3 54.478848 -1.548015
DL2 2DW 26 0 54.483506 -1.551019
DL2 2DX 15 0 54.487663 -1.532969
DL2 2DY 6 1 54.486612 -1.533527
DL2 2DZ 32 0 54.487267 -1.535696
DL2 2EA 31 0 54.487858 -1.535026
DL2 2EB 7 0 54.488036 -1.532353
DL2 2ED 11 0 54.489021 -1.533716
DL2 2EE 39 0 54.489041 -1.535902
DL2 2EF 3 0 54.490287 -1.532738
DL2 2EG 5 0 54.491624 -1.547025
DL2 2EH 8 0 54.490091 -1.531573
DL2 2EJ 8 0 54.489682 -1.530281
DL2 2EL 9 0 54.489166 -1.529315
DL2 2EN 8 0 54.489091 -1.528667
DL2 2EP 12 0 54.488656 -1.529954
DL2 2EQ 20 0 54.489267 -1.529993
DL2 2ER 17 0 54.488355 -1.530522
DL2 2ES 13 0 54.487988 -1.529143