all postcodes in DL2 / DARLINGTON

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Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL2 2HS 9 0 54.486952 -1.530837
DL2 2HU 28 0 54.484193 -1.549308
DL2 2HW 8 0 54.48564 -1.546837
DL2 2JA 17 0 54.485588 -1.531285
DL2 2JB 19 0 54.484598 -1.533288
DL2 2JD 3 0 54.486103 -1.534351
DL2 2JE 1 0 54.485278 -1.534824
DL2 2JF 5 0 54.484931 -1.538254
DL2 2JG 1 1 54.483944 -1.540889
DL2 2JH 5 0 54.484527 -1.535851
DL2 2JJ 35 0 54.48406 -1.538434
DL2 2JL 7 0 54.484454 -1.537997
DL2 2JN 7 0 54.477577 -1.53505
DL2 2JQ 15 0 54.484862 -1.536619
DL2 2JX 2 2 54.521187 -1.610486
DL2 2JY 57 0 54.51984 -1.61637
DL2 2JZ 48 0 54.524278 -1.61588
DL2 2LB 20 0 54.524773 -1.6217
DL2 2LD 2 0 54.526881 -1.622771
DL2 2LE 42 0 54.52578 -1.627747