all postcodes in FK6 / BONNYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the FK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK6 6BU 46 0 56.021462 -3.88807
FK6 6BW 6 2 56.014895 -3.880835
FK6 6DA 1 1 56.022845 -3.908876
FK6 6DB 4 4 56.022845 -3.908876
FK6 6DD 4 3 56.023216 -3.90953
FK6 6DF 2 0 56.023296 -3.908209
FK6 6DJ 22 20 56.023887 -3.908007
FK6 6DL 1 1 56.024783 -3.909084
FK6 6DP 7 0 56.022421 -3.906689
FK6 6DQ 22 0 56.029486 -3.912992
FK6 6DR 14 0 56.022119 -3.905278
FK6 6DU 8 5 56.023111 -3.907397
FK6 6DW 3 3 56.024863 -3.907403
FK6 6DX 27 5 56.022906 -3.90498
FK6 6DY 48 7 56.022552 -3.905219
FK6 6DZ 1 0 56.022164 -3.902954
FK6 6EA 6 0 56.02222 -3.900501
FK6 6ED 9 9 56.020916 -3.900768
FK6 6EF 11 0 56.021937 -3.899043
FK6 6EJ 3 3 56.021372 -3.903027