all postcodes in FK6 / BONNYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the FK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK6 6LY 4 0 56.030412 -3.916986
FK6 6LZ 32 0 56.029733 -3.912683
FK6 6NA 33 0 56.030798 -3.922205
FK6 6NB 10 0 56.028704 -3.911814
FK6 6ND 28 1 56.027706 -3.91361
FK6 6NE 18 0 56.028702 -3.91252
FK6 6NF 15 0 56.028231 -3.913315
FK6 6NG 4 0 56.028831 -3.9106
FK6 6NH 19 0 56.027995 -3.910607
FK6 6NJ 3 0 56.02742 -3.912938
FK6 6NL 22 0 56.027755 -3.91159
FK6 6NP 12 4 56.023045 -3.91302
FK6 6NQ 18 0 56.027058 -3.910785
FK6 6NR 10 0 56.022755 -3.912386
FK6 6NS 29 0 56.022186 -3.916064
FK6 6NT 12 2 56.022508 -3.916379
FK6 6NU 20 0 56.023584 -3.910485
FK6 6NW 1 1 56.023505 -3.913257
FK6 6NX 13 0 56.023099 -3.915147
FK6 6NY 9 2 56.023142 -3.915807