all postcodes in FK6 / BONNYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the FK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK6 6HQ 25 0 56.023738 -3.905775
FK6 6HR 8 0 56.02663 -3.912257
FK6 6HT 3 2 56.024883 -3.909603
FK6 6HU 8 0 56.028475 -3.909764
FK6 6HW 7 0 56.026943 -3.912946
FK6 6JB 30 5 56.024497 -3.911349
FK6 6JD 3 2 56.02488 -3.913871
FK6 6JF 52 0 56.025352 -3.90953
FK6 6JG 3 0 56.027706 -3.909501
FK6 6JH 3 1 56.027376 -3.914588
FK6 6JJ 24 0 56.025473 -3.912697
FK6 6JL 50 0 56.025639 -3.911309
FK6 6JN 18 0 56.029971 -3.919933
FK6 6JQ 6 1 56.025273 -3.913457
FK6 6JR 43 7 56.028284 -3.914755
FK6 6JS 40 0 56.028471 -3.918751
FK6 6JT 9 0 56.02832 -3.909339
FK6 6JU 42 0 56.030458 -3.918657
FK6 6JW 1 1 56.027277 -3.914583
FK6 6JX 24 0 56.028461 -3.916472