all postcodes in FK6 / BONNYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the FK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK6 6QR 3 2 56.025897 -3.902159
FK6 6QS 15 0 56.033537 -3.918328
FK6 6QT 10 0 56.032983 -3.917546
FK6 6QW 38 0 56.032089 -3.917791
FK6 6QY 17 0 56.035465 -3.929733
FK6 6QZ 8 0 56.043793 -3.914647
FK6 6RB 5 1 56.0481 -3.923772
FK6 6RF 1 1 56.057091 -3.919635
FK6 6RH 4 1 56.046293 -3.893794
FK6 6RQ 2 0 56.058794 -3.911256
FK6 6EB 0 56.023033 -3.906045
FK6 6NN 0 56.024137 -3.914284
FK6 6ET 0 56.02314 -3.906863
FK6 6RG 5 0 56.055103 -3.921479
FK6 6EE 1 1 56.020487 -3.896918
FK6 6EG 10 0 56.024531 -3.903921
FK6 6GB 1 1 56.024629 -3.908018
FK6 6FA 1 1 56.023601 -3.90849
FK6 6QX 1 0 56.037569 -3.918666