all postcodes in FK6 / BONNYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the FK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK6 6PA 21 1 56.024232 -3.915107
FK6 6PB 28 0 56.024107 -3.917347
FK6 6PD 42 0 56.023923 -3.919344
FK6 6PF 9 0 56.023624 -3.919489
FK6 6PG 44 0 56.023894 -3.921188
FK6 6PH 18 0 56.024688 -3.919285
FK6 6PN 4 0 56.02456 -3.917909
FK6 6PP 28 0 56.023406 -3.918516
FK6 6PQ 36 0 56.024236 -3.921782
FK6 6PR 9 0 56.022736 -3.920569
FK6 6PS 28 0 56.023217 -3.919662
FK6 6PW 28 0 56.024461 -3.91714
FK6 6QD 1 1 56.024673 -3.899338
FK6 6QF 59 0 56.03487 -3.919855
FK6 6QH 12 0 56.035051 -3.918002
FK6 6QJ 21 0 56.033098 -3.916461
FK6 6QL 1 0 56.031417 -3.914788
FK6 6QN 24 0 56.032852 -3.915566
FK6 6QP 59 0 56.033866 -3.918505
FK6 6QQ 9 0 56.033622 -3.920355