all postcodes in FK6 / BONNYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the FK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK6 6JY 18 0 56.029194 -3.91906
FK6 6JZ 22 0 56.029711 -3.920434
FK6 6LA 34 1 56.029232 -3.921228
FK6 6LB 26 0 56.030191 -3.921934
FK6 6LD 39 0 56.029178 -3.922927
FK6 6LE 24 0 56.028433 -3.921156
FK6 6LF 51 0 56.026369 -3.920958
FK6 6LG 27 0 56.027699 -3.922099
FK6 6LH 40 0 56.030578 -3.915533
FK6 6LJ 36 0 56.027538 -3.920919
FK6 6LL 18 0 56.026633 -3.920746
FK6 6LN 32 0 56.027841 -3.918768
FK6 6LP 11 0 56.02777 -3.908895
FK6 6LQ 22 1 56.029695 -3.915137
FK6 6LR 2 0 56.028509 -3.91069
FK6 6LS 16 1 56.030063 -3.916294
FK6 6LT 16 0 56.027531 -3.920197
FK6 6LU 12 0 56.028247 -3.920409
FK6 6LW 36 0 56.027197 -3.918559
FK6 6LX 14 1 56.030282 -3.913769