all postcodes in FK6 / BONNYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the FK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK6 6EN 32 0 56.025609 -3.905643
FK6 6EP 11 3 56.022844 -3.903725
FK6 6EQ 15 0 56.021935 -3.899749
FK6 6QE 38 28 56.025948 -3.901198
FK6 6EU 7 0 56.023076 -3.898618
FK6 6EW 37 0 56.025274 -3.904679
FK6 6EY 18 0 56.022574 -3.899091
FK6 6EZ 1 1 56.023902 -3.900985
FK6 6GA 1 1 56.024809 -3.907994
FK6 6GD 1 1 56.024809 -3.907994
FK6 6HA 22 0 56.021865 -3.906581
FK6 6HD 11 1 56.023371 -3.905099
FK6 6HE 6 1 56.023425 -3.907429
FK6 6HF 2 0 56.023675 -3.904273
FK6 6HG 22 0 56.023607 -3.902062
FK6 6HH 32 0 56.024175 -3.905428
FK6 6HJ 24 0 56.024724 -3.905374
FK6 6HL 13 0 56.023116 -3.90414
FK6 6HN 12 0 56.026684 -3.913431
FK6 6HP 10 0 56.027248 -3.909479