all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 6EN 2 0 52.126072 1.34855
IP13 6EP 11 1 52.123738 1.345247
IP13 6EQ 22 0 52.128301 1.350193
IP13 6ER 1 0 52.12154 1.342511
IP13 6ES 50 0 52.11993 1.347285
IP13 6ET 1 1 52.119906 1.345253
IP13 6EU 4 0 52.119762 1.348442
IP13 6EX 14 0 52.120103 1.34911
IP13 6EY 19 0 52.126599 1.350284
IP13 6EZ 6 0 52.126553 1.34841
IP13 6HA 1 0 52.106305 1.283952
IP13 6HB 7 0 52.106174 1.27826
IP13 6HD 2 1 52.105926 1.273275
IP13 6HE 5 3 52.108278 1.271213
IP13 6HF 5 0 52.123895 1.349541
IP13 6HG 1 0 52.110919 1.272006
IP13 6HH 2 0 52.102715 1.270659
IP13 6HJ 9 1 52.103016 1.271587
IP13 6HL 1 0 52.101568 1.276096
IP13 6HN 8 3 52.100686 1.278967