all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 6HQ 7 0 52.104675 1.27111
IP13 6HR 5 0 52.10189 1.28554
IP13 6HS 1 0 52.098512 1.287322
IP13 6HT 2 1 52.09843 1.287622
IP13 6HU 1 0 52.098553 1.289413
IP13 6HW 3 0 52.102879 1.278106
IP13 6HX 13 7 52.095332 1.295236
IP13 6HY 6 0 52.101021 1.29827
IP13 6HZ 5 0 52.103035 1.300245
IP13 6JA 17 0 52.106341 1.29006
IP13 6JB 2 0 52.105598 1.284717
IP13 6JD 27 1 52.107432 1.285466
IP13 6JE 4 0 52.107757 1.284132
IP13 6JF 4 0 52.108073 1.28249
IP13 6JG 20 1 52.10805 1.280662
IP13 6JH 2 0 52.116283 1.279572
IP13 6JJ 3 2 52.114524 1.267536
IP13 6JL 5 0 52.115882 1.272705
IP13 6JN 9 1 52.119827 1.275683
IP13 6JP 5 1 52.119046 1.282157