all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 6PZ 2 0 52.116384 1.258088
IP13 6QA 7 1 52.122039 1.248492
IP13 6QB 11 0 52.126447 1.242559
IP13 6QD 2 0 52.130141 1.238662
IP13 6QE 3 1 52.134129 1.236628
IP13 6QF 2 0 52.1369 1.23525
IP13 6QG 1 0 52.13739 1.233839
IP13 6QH 3 0 52.139298 1.230176
IP13 6QJ 2 0 52.139831 1.237582
IP13 6QL 9 1 52.147681 1.239599
IP13 6QN 5 1 52.144762 1.24965
IP13 6QP 29 0 52.146737 1.250744
IP13 6QQ 6 0 52.13891 1.234168
IP13 6QR 2 0 52.144837 1.255342
IP13 6QS 4 2 52.143897 1.257832
IP13 6QT 8 7 52.142203 1.266655
IP13 6QU 1 0 52.14723 1.267403
IP13 6QW 20 0 52.145955 1.249108
IP13 6QX 4 0 52.150886 1.2627
IP13 6RA 8 0 52.112824 1.243761