all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 6XA 68 0 52.111658 1.250834
IP13 6XB 12 0 52.111723 1.24913
IP13 6XD 10 0 52.107675 1.248163
IP13 6XE 5 0 52.111398 1.247879
IP13 6XJ 7 0 52.109929 1.245946
IP13 6XL 5 0 52.106582 1.249647
IP13 6QZ 4 0 52.146223 1.250151
IP13 6BF 1 1 52.122182 1.347133
IP13 6DA 6 0 52.120825 1.345467
IP13 6WL 1 1 52.092047 1.315743
IP13 6GA 6 0 52.108405 1.248771
IP13 6GB 6 0 52.108557 1.248154
IP13 6WN 1 1 52.092047 1.315743
IP13 6WP 0 52.092047 1.315743
IP13 6GZ 1 0 52.092047 1.315743
IP13 6US 0 52.108279 1.242817