all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 6LW 16 2 52.084713 1.250772
IP13 6LX 37 0 52.079036 1.261891
IP13 6LY 1 0 52.077127 1.270422
IP13 6LZ 14 0 52.07958 1.263026
IP13 6NA 1 0 52.073653 1.260448
IP13 6NB 4 0 52.074487 1.251079
IP13 6ND 26 0 52.075054 1.246858
IP13 6NE 1 0 52.078689 1.243838
IP13 6NF 8 0 52.112995 1.245059
IP13 6NG 8 0 52.113188 1.244912
IP13 6NH 7 0 52.090749 1.25987
IP13 6NJ 5 0 52.090925 1.260642
IP13 6NL 14 0 52.089488 1.259267
IP13 6NN 7 0 52.089493 1.261034
IP13 6NP 1 0 52.09275 1.27234
IP13 6NQ 1 1 52.092047 1.315743
IP13 6NR 1 0 52.090281 1.27413
IP13 6NS 3 0 52.08515 1.276805
IP13 6NT 2 1 52.088286 1.284671
IP13 6NU 2 1 52.087678 1.286451