all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 6RB 2 0 52.112642 1.243104
IP13 6RD 30 0 52.114015 1.242313
IP13 6RE 2 0 52.114341 1.241854
IP13 6RF 2 0 52.114715 1.242948
IP13 6RG 4 0 52.115212 1.240983
IP13 6RH 1 0 52.118325 1.238988
IP13 6RJ 2 0 52.116548 1.236478
IP13 6RL 4 0 52.115791 1.233589
IP13 6RN 1 0 52.112657 1.233742
IP13 6RP 5 1 52.108356 1.227631
IP13 6RQ 3 0 52.115093 1.241077
IP13 6RR 3 1 52.116356 1.229714
IP13 6RS 2 0 52.122271 1.228827
IP13 6RT 3 0 52.121211 1.224922
IP13 6RU 1 0 52.123789 1.224057
IP13 6RW 1 0 52.108417 1.234209
IP13 6RX 1 0 52.129203 1.222051
IP13 6RY 7 0 52.129092 1.218916
IP13 6RZ 2 0 52.128843 1.219073
IP13 6SA 3 0 52.123347 1.2274