all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 6UB 18 1 52.11144 1.247312
IP13 6UD 9 0 52.112474 1.25158
IP13 6UE 11 1 52.110853 1.252937
IP13 6UF 23 0 52.109678 1.254473
IP13 6UG 2 0 52.1043 1.261501
IP13 6UH 2 0 52.104136 1.253777
IP13 6UJ 3 0 52.104131 1.253412
IP13 6UL 3 0 52.104162 1.251953
IP13 6UN 5 0 52.104686 1.250896
IP13 6XH 27 2 52.109635 1.245895
IP13 6UP 61 0 52.108482 1.246294
IP13 6UQ 10 0 52.10422 1.255069
IP13 6UR 3 0 52.108126 1.246151
IP13 6UT 10 0 52.107052 1.244349
IP13 6UU 8 0 52.107012 1.245792
IP13 6UW 4 0 52.105175 1.250435
IP13 6UX 10 0 52.107155 1.246796
IP13 6UY 3 0 52.112636 1.250248
IP13 6UZ 11 0 52.110175 1.253385
IP13 6WU 1 0 52.092047 1.315743