all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 6NW 18 0 52.088602 1.263655
IP13 6NY 5 0 52.093315 1.259108
IP13 6NZ 1 0 52.091636 1.259657
IP13 6PA 3 0 52.095646 1.257423
IP13 6PB 23 1 52.093701 1.24906
IP13 6PE 10 0 52.093405 1.246089
IP13 6PF 2 0 52.096497 1.246708
IP13 6PG 10 0 52.093952 1.24645
IP13 6PH 5 0 52.091013 1.242484
IP13 6PJ 1 0 52.091833 1.238177
IP13 6PL 8 0 52.087846 1.247423
IP13 6PN 4 0 52.08709 1.247441
IP13 6PP 1 0 52.086094 1.252245
IP13 6PQ 6 0 52.092437 1.245946
IP13 6PS 6 0 52.111391 1.250406
IP13 6PT 2 0 52.115476 1.252529
IP13 6PU 9 0 52.113873 1.255305
IP13 6PW 4 0 52.088144 1.248597
IP13 6PX 4 0 52.116085 1.258242
IP13 6PY 2 0 52.11667 1.259146