all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 6JQ 3 0 52.110311 1.2802
IP13 6JR 1 0 52.117071 1.286526
IP13 6JS 2 0 52.120323 1.294977
IP13 6JT 2 0 52.116446 1.289519
IP13 6JU 2 0 52.113676 1.287284
IP13 6JW 7 3 52.126887 1.276976
IP13 6JX 1 0 52.112543 1.288925
IP13 6JY 1 0 52.113124 1.287433
IP13 6JZ 1 0 52.112965 1.287334
IP13 6LA 22 0 52.109053 1.283774
IP13 6LG 3 1 52.077074 1.253384
IP13 6LH 8 1 52.086391 1.255464
IP13 6LJ 5 0 52.084711 1.252816
IP13 6LL 5 0 52.083882 1.256755
IP13 6LN 4 0 52.084461 1.253075
IP13 6LP 5 1 52.085278 1.249864
IP13 6LR 16 0 52.085485 1.250492
IP13 6LS 10 0 52.086183 1.248995
IP13 6LT 34 16 52.081541 1.253621
IP13 6LU 2 0 52.077073 1.253778