all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 4RT 25 0 51.943896 0.441189
CM7 4RU 18 0 51.944957 0.441218
CM7 4RW 1 0 51.944737 0.443112
CM7 4RX 8 0 51.944772 0.440567
CM7 4RY 8 0 51.943448 0.438939
CM7 4RZ 3 0 51.945633 0.440672
CM7 4SA 9 1 51.9472 0.434937
CM7 4SB 4 0 51.947042 0.435205
CM7 4SD 26 1 51.946482 0.433981
CM7 4SE 10 0 51.945443 0.43247
CM7 4SF 26 0 51.944748 0.430875
CM7 4SG 2 0 51.943243 0.42797
CM7 4SH 18 1 51.964194 0.409741
CM7 4SJ 4 0 51.944021 0.439086
CM7 4SL 13 6 51.944932 0.439368
CM7 4SN 6 0 51.944444 0.439458
CM7 4SP 14 2 51.947991 0.435809
CM7 4SQ 3 0 51.955404 0.416475
CM7 4SR 11 2 51.948597 0.436933
CM7 4SS 10 0 51.948516 0.437817