all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 4HU 4 0 51.992035 0.433771
CM7 4HW 4 0 52.005206 0.433043
CM7 4HX 3 0 51.987502 0.436831
CM7 4HY 1 1 52.005206 0.433043
CM7 4HZ 2 0 51.974962 0.458283
CM7 4JA 2 0 51.976625 0.460908
CM7 4JB 12 0 51.982185 0.465888
CM7 4JD 1 0 51.981397 0.453233
CM7 4JE 4 2 51.987466 0.450681
CM7 4JF 5 0 51.989746 0.450456
CM7 4JG 1 0 51.994431 0.451775
CM7 4JH 3 0 51.995769 0.453597
CM7 4JJ 3 0 51.998891 0.451349
CM7 4JL 4 0 51.999189 0.450884
CM7 4JQ 3 0 51.99435 0.461269
CM7 4JR 3 0 51.967167 0.448219
CM7 4JS 16 5 51.967908 0.450647
CM7 4JT 2 0 51.969307 0.451306
CM7 4JU 18 0 51.968892 0.451764
CM7 4JW 6 0 51.968867 0.44952