all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 4NA 9 0 51.96977 0.451928
CM7 4NB 4 0 51.969992 0.452494
CM7 4ND 3 0 51.970277 0.451795
CM7 4NE 6 0 51.970662 0.453113
CM7 4NF 3 0 51.970576 0.452919
CM7 4NG 6 0 51.970753 0.452229
CM7 4NH 4 0 51.974701 0.447873
CM7 4NJ 2 0 51.979724 0.443341
CM7 4NL 4 0 51.978709 0.439791
CM7 4NN 8 2 51.968213 0.452426
CM7 4NP 8 2 51.968492 0.452819
CM7 4NR 14 1 51.968508 0.456387
CM7 4NS 15 0 51.969232 0.461799
CM7 4NT 1 1 51.968364 0.455506
CM7 4NU 2 0 51.967093 0.47675
CM7 4NY 3 0 51.97173 0.476001
CM7 4NZ 3 1 51.980441 0.488919
CM7 4PA 3 0 51.98189 0.497795
CM7 4PD 2 0 51.985034 0.502266
CM7 4PG 5 1 51.996575 0.478217