all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 4PH 6 0 51.983652 0.470542
CM7 4PJ 4 0 51.954783 0.485168
CM7 4PL 15 0 51.968772 0.45579
CM7 4PP 1 0 51.939771 0.421047
CM7 4PQ 2 0 51.98917 0.475914
CM7 4PR 5 0 51.934864 0.41652
CM7 4PS 2 0 51.92665 0.412325
CM7 4PT 2 0 51.926792 0.408013
CM7 4PU 6 0 51.929552 0.418983
CM7 4PX 6 0 51.934924 0.418414
CM7 4PY 6 3 51.938195 0.445956
CM7 4PZ 5 2 51.941391 0.451369
CM7 4QA 4 0 51.928572 0.44811
CM7 4QB 1 0 51.927131 0.448657
CM7 4QD 7 1 51.934177 0.46308
CM7 4QF 5 0 51.929039 0.470101
CM7 4QG 20 1 51.949029 0.443461
CM7 4QH 6 0 51.94802 0.462063
CM7 4QJ 4 0 51.947944 0.468738
CM7 4QL 1 0 51.948191 0.465099