all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 4BE 46 0 51.965631 0.495231
CM7 4BL 58 0 51.954605 0.486788
CM7 4BN 17 1 51.953696 0.484264
CM7 4BP 25 4 51.953373 0.486807
CM7 4BQ 1 1 51.968648 0.454415
CM7 4BS 10 1 51.953156 0.489415
CM7 4BT 22 0 51.952598 0.487696
CM7 4BU 8 1 51.952861 0.48889
CM7 4BX 10 0 51.950338 0.491253
CM7 4BY 18 0 51.953669 0.490244
CM7 4BZ 23 1 51.954329 0.491329
CM7 4DA 6 0 51.955326 0.516302
CM7 4DB 1 0 51.951875 0.522964
CM7 4DD 12 1 51.950122 0.527944
CM7 4DE 14 0 51.949107 0.529139
CM7 4DF 9 2 51.948742 0.528551
CM7 4DG 8 0 51.948615 0.531105
CM7 4DH 7 0 51.95292 0.545014
CM7 4DJ 2 0 51.948706 0.547787
CM7 4DL 7 0 51.947524 0.530825