all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 4EQ 21 12 51.959235 0.511834
CM7 4ER 1 1 51.876441 0.566235
CM7 4ES 4 2 51.962111 0.519041
CM7 4EW 3 0 51.963884 0.536173
CM7 4EX 1 1 51.876441 0.566235
CM7 4EY 15 0 51.95412 0.48845
CM7 4GB 1 0 51.947801 0.440674
CM7 4HD 30 0 52.00019 0.450313
CM7 4HE 12 0 52.002091 0.450985
CM7 4HF 11 1 52.001858 0.451802
CM7 4HG 2 0 52.006477 0.454634
CM7 4HH 5 1 52.017179 0.443706
CM7 4HJ 4 0 52.016808 0.45982
CM7 4HL 4 0 52.002725 0.446459
CM7 4HN 2 0 52.003319 0.436977
CM7 4HP 5 0 52.000557 0.430416
CM7 4HQ 2 0 52.015335 0.454215
CM7 4HR 6 0 51.998428 0.422914
CM7 4HS 2 0 52.000304 0.426643
CM7 4HT 3 1 51.996401 0.431371