all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 4QN 8 2 51.949552 0.470923
CM7 4QP 3 0 51.94155 0.478587
CM7 4QQ 2 0 51.948049 0.458993
CM7 4QT 3 0 51.92036 0.515567
CM7 4QX 7 0 51.916075 0.511561
CM7 4QU 4 0 51.917289 0.514945
CM7 4QW 7 0 51.946191 0.473386
CM7 4QY 10 0 51.916932 0.519883
CM7 4RA 10 0 51.947202 0.436159
CM7 4RE 2 0 51.947695 0.43537
CM7 4RF 12 1 51.947973 0.436681
CM7 4RG 10 1 51.947995 0.437352
CM7 4RH 7 0 51.947845 0.438974
CM7 4RJ 19 1 51.949267 0.440186
CM7 4RL 2 0 51.948449 0.440185
CM7 4RN 13 1 51.946748 0.440704
CM7 4RP 3 0 51.945608 0.441006
CM7 4RQ 13 1 51.948196 0.438512
CM7 4RR 39 0 51.94549 0.442804
CM7 4RS 29 0 51.943571 0.443005