all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 4DN 15 0 51.94605 0.532881
CM7 4FD 2 0 51.944369 0.518671
CM7 4DP 3 1 51.943816 0.534778
CM7 4DQ 3 0 51.952172 0.538393
CM7 4DR 12 0 51.943966 0.529053
CM7 4DS 5 0 51.953941 0.520969
CM7 4DT 4 0 51.955947 0.523891
CM7 4DU 14 0 51.95225 0.529825
CM7 4DW 2 0 51.942805 0.543728
CM7 4DX 1 0 51.943958 0.539471
CM7 4EB 9 1 51.953355 0.488058
CM7 4ED 11 0 51.954268 0.490379
CM7 4EE 3 0 51.954529 0.490394
CM7 4EF 17 0 51.954992 0.489313
CM7 4EG 40 0 51.955016 0.492022
CM7 4EH 7 1 51.956879 0.504672
CM7 4EJ 2 0 51.955932 0.5044
CM7 4EL 3 1 51.960896 0.502261
CM7 4EN 1 0 51.959596 0.511767
CM7 4EP 8 3 51.964988 0.514063