all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 4JX 14 3 51.968649 0.450018
CM7 4JY 6 0 51.96852 0.446721
CM7 4JZ 13 5 51.9679 0.448012
CM7 4LA 6 0 51.972164 0.433597
CM7 4LB 7 0 51.967357 0.452044
CM7 4LD 33 1 51.967147 0.454362
CM7 4LE 37 1 51.9674 0.456035
CM7 4LF 7 0 51.966058 0.455685
CM7 4LG 3 0 51.962563 0.457256
CM7 4LH 5 0 51.958378 0.472471
CM7 4LJ 4 0 51.954559 0.454722
CM7 4LL 11 1 51.963089 0.444954
CM7 4LQ 7 0 51.958321 0.461871
CM7 4LR 4 0 51.966915 0.449545
CM7 4LS 7 1 51.966962 0.450712
CM7 4LT 1 1 51.965694 0.451167
CM7 4LU 13 0 51.966305 0.451623
CM7 4LX 19 0 51.965364 0.451076
CM7 4LY 4 0 51.964886 0.450235
CM7 4LZ 28 0 51.966343 0.449339