all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 4ST 16 0 51.949343 0.437425
CM7 4SU 2 0 51.949934 0.437122
CM7 4SX 6 0 51.950196 0.43702
CM7 4SY 10 0 51.950309 0.436793
CM7 4SZ 18 0 51.950855 0.436939
CM7 4TA 4 0 51.950763 0.436571
CM7 4TB 14 0 51.952361 0.436701
CM7 4TG 11 0 51.956898 0.430834
CM7 4TD 11 0 51.953314 0.437189
CM7 4TE 4 0 51.953268 0.438074
CM7 4TF 11 0 51.953574 0.438047
CM7 4TH 3 0 51.948116 0.434564
CM7 4TJ 2 0 51.95036 0.429563
CM7 4TL 1 0 51.953838 0.428339
CM7 4TN 5 0 51.952034 0.424676
CM7 4TP 10 0 51.951879 0.412545
CM7 4TQ 2 0 51.967956 0.420105
CM7 4TR 8 0 51.951252 0.412846
CM7 4TS 13 0 51.950211 0.411436
CM7 4TT 4 1 51.949848 0.409409