all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 6TB 3 0 52.11358 1.246694
IP13 6TD 18 2 52.111467 1.24505
IP13 6TE 4 0 52.111523 1.244221
IP13 6TF 3 0 52.110538 1.244164
IP13 6TG 12 0 52.110092 1.244
IP13 6TH 19 2 52.108863 1.24489
IP13 6TJ 16 0 52.10807 1.24397
IP13 6TL 2 0 52.108536 1.237051
IP13 6TN 3 0 52.106341 1.243363
IP13 6TP 9 0 52.105095 1.2452
IP13 6TQ 4 0 52.109424 1.244113
IP13 6TR 6 1 52.101937 1.250112
IP13 6TS 4 1 52.105563 1.250069
IP13 6TT 7 0 52.107737 1.248869
IP13 6TU 5 0 52.109977 1.250142
IP13 6TW 2 0 52.102874 1.244104
IP13 6TX 2 0 52.108861 1.249096
IP13 6TY 10 1 52.109026 1.248422
IP13 6TZ 7 0 52.109557 1.248724
IP13 6UA 46 0 52.110567 1.249615