all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 6SB 2 0 52.128908 1.232128
IP13 6SD 2 0 52.133268 1.234197
IP13 6SE 2 0 52.137816 1.239526
IP13 6SF 2 0 52.136165 1.242987
IP13 6SG 2 0 52.133656 1.242965
IP13 6SH 7 2 52.137674 1.245099
IP13 6SJ 24 0 52.115853 1.241862
IP13 6SL 1 0 52.138623 1.25464
IP13 6SN 4 0 52.142162 1.259094
IP13 6SP 3 0 52.130229 1.255051
IP13 6SQ 2 0 52.135418 1.245301
IP13 6SR 3 0 52.125922 1.259296
IP13 6SS 4 0 52.127238 1.265384
IP13 6ST 5 0 52.121083 1.261252
IP13 6SU 23 0 52.117819 1.259274
IP13 6SW 3 0 52.138837 1.260971
IP13 6SX 1 0 52.116923 1.258844
IP13 6SY 5 0 52.115147 1.258992
IP13 6SZ 26 0 52.113843 1.24401
IP13 6TA 21 5 52.112376 1.246635