all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 4AA 6 0 51.913114 0.5377
CM7 4AD 6 0 51.947408 0.494583
CM7 4AE 6 0 51.949716 0.495977
CM7 4AF 3 0 51.946352 0.496853
CM7 4AG 10 0 51.945284 0.499718
CM7 4AH 9 1 51.943644 0.510031
CM7 4AJ 5 0 51.939945 0.515645
CM7 4AL 10 1 51.936018 0.516342
CM7 4AN 1 0 51.939877 0.517984
CM7 4AP 2 0 51.944158 0.504108
CM7 4AQ 11 0 51.940473 0.502245
CM7 4AR 2 0 51.95666 0.480221
CM7 4AS 2 0 51.959149 0.479004
CM7 4NX 4 0 51.963925 0.47426
CM7 4AW 2 0 51.936711 0.524745
CM7 4AY 9 3 51.966333 0.488456
CM7 4AZ 2 2 51.966513 0.48969
CM7 4BA 46 0 51.96497 0.498004
CM7 4BB 42 0 51.965871 0.497472
CM7 4BD 16 0 51.964917 0.500476